Saturday, June 12, 2010

Laugh Out Loud... Seriously

TBMF-style. That is all.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Hems & Hers Shoutout

This Tennessee-rooted Carolina girl is a force to be reckoned with... look out Lilly P.!

Caroline and I had the pleasure of attending NCSU together and wearing the same letters and now that she's back in Charlotte, NC, she has been a busy girl crafting this "little" business of hers (of course, not to mention holding down a day job in the crazy world of advertising).

I've been watching her grow this brand for some time now and just could not wait another day to finally give her a shout out here. So without further delay, here are some of my faves from her collection:
LOVE the lines of these yellow skirts

This print... must have it!

I'll take the dress, too!

Made for younger girls, however I'm formally requesting a grown up version, Caroline!

And this is one of my favorite pieces of hers... MOST favorite!
Official Website:

Check her out, buy a garment (or two), and enjoy the feeling you'll get telling your friends it was made by a 20-something Carolina girl just for you!