Monday, May 28, 2007

Let's Get Cookin'!

Aprons are making their way back and are cuter than ever... highlighted here from the N&O Lifestyle section...

"Why is it good to buy vintage? says reusing a vintage item saves it from being tossed into a landfill. Most likely that would never happen with an apron."

apron 1 apron 2 apron 3 apron 5

Where to buy:
Father & Son Antiques (downtown Raleigh)

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Splash of Color for the Summer

Colored denim just might make its way back into wardrobes this summer. Personally, I am pumped!

colored denim

Picture from (sign up for their emails for a little wardrobe excitement in your inbox a few times each week...)

I love the yellow against a fresh tan (it's one of those fun colors you can enjoy wearing in the summer since it's darn near impossible to pull off in the winter) and I think the red would be just perfect come Wolfpack football season :-D

It had to come from somewhere

My boyfriend is into Texas Hold 'Em, poker leagues are popping up at bars and restaurants all across town and I swear I know people that fly to Vegas (or the Bahamas - anywhere with casinos!) on a monthly basis to partake in wagers and slot machines.

As for myself, I'm not much of a gambling girl...
I like my money right where I can see it - hanging in my closet.

While I think it'd be a pretty sweet deal to be a fashion or trend correspondent for a cool publication (or two... or three), I'll stick to unaffiliated blogging for the time being.